Professional Interventionist

Meet Steve Bruno

Mr. Bruno, a professional interventionist, has worked in the field of drug addiction for twenty years and has orchestrated over 400 interventions all across the world.

He is the author of More Than Hope, Intervention Guidebook, available on Amazon and Kindle.

He has appeared on radio shows such as Insights with David Goldberg, Dare to Be Authentic with Mari Mitchell, and The World’s Most Amazing People with KC Armstrong. Mr. Bruno is also a member in good standing with The Association of Intervention Specialists.

Call today to schedule a complimentary consultation, (415) 605-8254. 

Fill out the Contact Steve Today form below. Include your phone number, the best time to call and your time zone.


How to do an intervention

In this groundbreaking work, Mr. Bruno shares personal and professional insight into how addiction and interventions work.

The book begins with the author’s own story of addiction and intervention, followed by a chapter written by his own mother, describing his intervention from her viewpoint

The book includes “what to do and how to do it,” plus a number of case studies taken from the author’s two decades experience in the field.

That said, no book can turn a mother, father, sibling or child into an interventionist. If you need professional help, get it before you play a game you have no experience with. The best scenario – if you know you need help – is to hire an professional interventionist and let him play the cards from beginning to end, otherwise you may create an even larger chaos than the one you already face.

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Blog Posts

The Greenhouse Effect

Anyone who has done anything repeatedly has the advantage of being able to identify and recognize patterns. Having done hundreds of interventions, one pattern I’ve come to recognize is something I call the greenhouse effect. In short, it’s when the family members are not only confronting a difficult problem, but do so without sleep, eating,…

The Tyranny of Hopelessness (excerpt from More Than Hope)

The following is an excerpt from my book, More Than Hope – Intervention Guidebook. Hopelessness: 1. Without hope [a hopeless prisoner] 2. Causing one to lose hope; discouraging [a hopeless situation]. Using addicts and alcoholics often attempt to destroy interventions by creating feelings of hopelessness in those around them, especially in their parents, spouses, children –…

Trouble in Paradise
I came to Paradise, California before the fire that destroyed it. I was hired by the well-to-do parents of a 32-year old opioid addict who would fly into a rage whenever his parents mentioned his going to a treatment program. His father is a well-respected emergency room doctor, his mother is a homemaker. Both are...
When Family Members Don’t Agree on What to Do – If Anything
I field calls from family members all the time who are at odds - not so much with the addict or alcoholic - but with members of their own family. Even as a professional interventionist with a long-standing track record of success, when it came to intervening on one of my own, I found myself...
Hiring A Professional Interventionist – Wise or Wasteful?
The question of whether or not to hire a Professional Interventionist can be easily answered. Simply ask yourself what chance you believe you have to succeed on your own. Most families just end up creating an enormous mess which the I then need to come in and clean up. From a strategic point of view...
What Is an Intervention?
What is an intervention? Yes, an intervention is a lot like chess. It's actually a good way to look at it. There are at least two sides, one playing against the other and, depending on family dynamics, even more sides than that can be at odds at different times. An intervention is essentially any series...



Dear Steve, I can’t seem to find the right words to express how grateful we are for the intervention with our son.   I thought intervention was a third party who helped communication between the addict and the family.  I did not realize the scope of your job… read more

Dear Steve, Where do I begin?  It all happened so quickly, thanks to you.  I truly believe in providence, and every door was opened and every step fell into place.  All in a little over a week, I placed a call to the treatment facility, who referred me to a “professional interventionist”… read more